Thursday, December 19, 2013

Online Dating Rant Analysis

Online Dating Rant Analysis CLICK HERE- Sr9 is blaming online dating for his recent failures at meeting and seducing a woman. So lets go through his online dating rant and see which are fallacies and what's real truth to his complaints. Get out a piece of paper and lets analyze what is good about online dating and whats bad about it. As you know I am a proponent of online dating and I always submit that it's a person doing what I call a dude thing that messes up with online dating and then they blame the system for their own flaws. If you want to learn how to do it correctly then you will want to pick up my POF PIMPING product that will teach you all about online dating things such as: * How to create a powerful profile * How to get the best photos * How to create a captivating title * How to take adantage of Plenty Of Fishes HTML coding * How to structure you online profile into an actual AD that sells YOU. * Plus much much more! Go to my store at to learn more information on this powerful tool. Also watch this video on creating powerful online dating profile photos:

Saturday, December 14, 2013

How to attract women eye contact

How to attract women eye contact How to attract women with eye contact. Let me post some of my earlier thoughts on eye contact now: [quote] Let me add my post on eye contact game as the starting point of stacking evidence: eye contact game Seduction is a game and it has it's rules. The woman must choose you before the game can begin. ONce she chooses, then eye contact begins. Eye contact is an acknowledgement of the proccess of seductions is allowed to begin. It show's ownership. You own her! This is why I always say that you don't look at, talk to or show interest in any woman who does not choose you. To do so is to give up power. A Seducer has power. If you chase after a woman you lose your power. Your admitting to her that she has value. And the harder you chase after her the more that value will go up. Fidel Castro is the absolute power in Cuba. But put him on American soil and he has no power. In cuba he is chosen. Here he is just a symp running around with no power. We do not chose to give him any value. When a woman chooses you she gives you value. So when she starts making that eye contact thing then your seduction can begin. Most of the time I will just walk over and take her. Why bother dancing around and playing games when she has already bought into me. I've gotten numbers withing 30 seconds once the choosing process is acknowledged. It is here that many fools will blow it. They will wait around wondering and hemming and hawing and then go over to her and stammer out some words. My fellow seducers. Fear not. It's not that serious once she chooses you. It's all down hill and your hand is on the break. You choose how long it will take to get to the bottom...(as in her bottom). All that dating crap is for the birds. Why increase her value by playing the dating game and buying her gifts when she is already into you? I think in sales it's called over selling. There is a dance that is done when eye contact is made. You must establish dominance in that first moment. Start with the look into the back of her head. Then slowly look from her feet back up to her eyes and do not look away first. This is important...cause the first one to look away loses! A woman will test you to see if you will smile also. do not! look at her like your evaluating her worth. this will place you on a higher platform psychologically than she is. how to attract women eye contact -continuing: In seduction where you sit is important in her head. You must be above her! From this platform you will feel all of the self confidence that you need. Why? Because you've put yourself above her mentally. It's like being over a child in your head. You don't worry about a kid who doesn't like you now do you! Women need for you to show your superiority, at least this is what I've found to be true. And it starts with your eye contact! Let me also add this: How to attract women eye contact #1. A woman chooses you when you walk in the room. She likes your look. You've heard ho's say " wooo girl he is so fine" The eye contact solidifies it and places the order of Sh*t. Who will be in control. how to attract women eye contact #2. Yeah that is exactly what "I" am saying. If a ho isn't showing signs of choosing me by looking at me...cause if they like what they see then they gone look at you...then I will not even give her a 2nd look and I don't care how fine she is. This is why I have a 100% success rate. I don't step to a bytch unless she is choosing in the first place. I don't do magic acts or pull a rabbit out of my ass to entertain an uninterested ho, just to get her attention. I don't put on my tap shoes and do tyme steps around her to try to get her attention. I don't pretend to be a faggot to try to sneak into some pvssy. I go as a man. I make her perform for me since she is the one who is interested in the first dam place. *Pimpin aint easy!

Monday, December 9, 2013

How to attract women PART 2 Some truth the gurus don't want you to know

How to attract women PART 2 Some truth the gurus don't want you to know How to attract women. Let me share some secrets that the dating gurus do not want you to learn about when it comes to dating and how to attract women. I've been a dating coach since the 90's in the real world before the rise of the internet and with it the rise of the pua or so called pick up artist. I learned how to attract women offline in the real game not off a internet forum or ebook so I offer real advice that works in the real world of attracting women. How to attract women FOR more subscribe to this channel.

How To REALLY Attract Women Learn what dating gurus are not telling you

How To REALLY Attract Women Learn what dating gurus are not telling you How to Attract women- I teach the real secrets of attraction and how to attract women that the gurus are not talking about. I teach on my channel the real truth of dating and how to meet women. I won't lie to you and give you false claims that you can be short fat and balding, sloppy and ugly as sin yet still date 6' Tall models.

Let me show you what confidence looks like

Let me show you what confidence looks like GET CONFIDENT & SWAG:

here is why you don't wanna do roids and stuff



Let me tell you the real reason why your alone right now

Let me tell you the real reason why your alone right now

Sunday, December 8, 2013

How to ask a girl out: It does not take rocket science just to ask a girl out!

How to ask a girl out: It does not take rocket science just to ask a girl out! In this video I give a kid the advice on asking a girl out or how to ask a girl out. It's does not take a rocket science degree or stacking stories or magic mystery acts just to ask a girl out! Just open your mouth and make it part of the conversation that you are having. That means you must be talking to her. Never cold approach a girl just to ask her on a date. Engage her in conversation first then ask her out. It's easy! Just open your mouth as I teach today.

Over 40? Let me know

Thursday, December 5, 2013

dl 2

Time to change

More Progress! All In A Days Work.

More Progress! All In A Days Work.

adrian and dl

report potentially violent people to youtube

F**ked up people need to go!


We want to clean up our weaknesses so that we can become stronger males

We want to clean up our weaknesses so that we can become stronger males

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

TEST YOUR GAME SKILLS: what do you say when you see a hot girl approaching

monitizing the channel

zenmack com

zenmack com

Dating Coach Why Hire A Dating Coach

Dating Coach Why Hire A Dating Coach

He quit wacking and got his first date

He quit wacking and got his first date store:

Supreme It Works! Link for shirts in description box

Supreme It Works! Link for shirts in description box

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Message from a girl who is dating one of my guys

Message from a girl who is dating one of my guys

If they have a boyfriend you may want to just leave them be

If they have a boyfriend you may want to just leave them be

HOW TO ATTRACT WOMEN - 7 tips on how to attract women easily

HOW TO ATTRACT WOMEN - 7 tips on how to attract women easily Learn how to attract women at: I'm going to share 7 tips in this video in the area of attracting women: The dream of a lot of guys is to become a ladies man, or what we call in the African Amercan community as a player. When you really think about it who wouldn't want to be known as the guy who could get any woman or babe that he wanted? The only problem to this dream is that there weren't any guidelines on how to become a player until I wrote my 7 Steps To Becoming A Player. Well I want to add to that body of information with 7 steps that you must master in order to become good with the ladies: 1 First thing of importance in the area of how to attract women Become confident. Confidence is the key to anything (free life lesson there). Confidence will come from knowing what you have to do to get a girl, and knowing that you can do it. It's sort of a natural result of learning how to get girls, but its still number 1 on the list for learning how to become a player. 2. Okay now for your second must master criteria on how to attract women You want to get real good at stepping up to women out there. Yes I'm talking about approaching women. 3. My 3rd point that I want to address to your attention on how to attract women You want to learn the art of conversation. This skill will be your greatest asset when dealing with women. Listen: When you control the mind you control the flow of you know what. The way into a woman's mind is mainly through the use of words. Ever notice how women love to talk? (how to attract women) Ever notice how they are always communicating every where they go? Conversation to women is like crack to a crack addict. Shy guys fail here like the black plague. How to attract women A player sells 3 things in the area of attracting women 1. Good dick 2. Good conversation 3. Dreams 4. My fourth point that I want to drop on you on how to attract women You need to learn how to control the conversation. What I'm talking about here is that you must learn to direct a conversation towards a desired action. That action ultimately must lead to your bedroom. But, everything in steps. You get the digits, then first date, then your bedroom. So you must make sure that during the course of the conversation, you want to give her an excuse to go on a date, then back to your place, okay. 5. Number 5: how to attract women You must learn to understand what it takes in order to move from conversation to kissing. 6. Now this is very important and is a deal sealer or killer You have to know how to turn a woman on. 7. My final point is on how to attract women I want you to learn how to give woman pleasureable experiences, I don't care if its sexual experience or not. Remember good conversation is a pleasureable experience to women. Remember you also are selling good dick that means you must know how to make a woman cum! As I teach in my course title "How to make a woman cum!" Think about it this way. Most geeks out there do NOT know how to give a woman sexual pleasure. Then along comes you who knows how to not only give her intense physical pleasure but also mental pleasure as I teach in my how to mind fuck women book and BOOM! She becomes addicted to YOU! If you want to learn more on how to attract women or become a player then go to my youtube channel at: ThePlayerSupremeshow Who better to teach you how to get women than a real life player of women from the real world! peace Related keywords: how to attract women how to attract women online how to attract women in high school how to attract women in college how to attract women without trying how to attract women on how to attract women for shy guys how to attract women at a bar how to attract women at work how to attract women conversation how to attract women confidence how to attract women easy how to attract women effortlessly how to attract women eye contact how to attract women fast

Monday, November 25, 2013

european animal brothels do exist

How to talk to women outside of the box and destroy flaking

How to talk to women outside of the box and destroy flaking

How to talk to women outside of the box and destroy flaking I am talking to a member of my site who posted that he would meet women and talk to them but after a few days they would quit talking to him and flake out. Now this tells me there is nothing wrong with his first presentation or his looks but there is a problem going on in his communication style. Talking to women or talking to girls is a deep subject that people who are online truly need to learn. related keywords: talk to women talk to women with confidence talk to women in bars talk to women on facebook talk to women at bars talk to women at the gym talk to women at work talk to women anywhere talk to women about talk to asian women talk to attractive women things to talk to women about talk to women books talk to black women talk to beautiful women talk to beautiful women online talk to brazilian women

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Skinny Jeans, John Wayne, And The Feminization Of America

Skinny Jeans, John Wayne, And The Feminization Of America Skinny Jeans, John Wayne, And The Feminization Of America

Personal Magnetism

Personal Magnetism I read Dumonts book on personal magnetism years ago when I was you. Being 54 now I can attest that there is no magic way to get a woman to come into your life. I've learned that personal magnetism is all about your own inner energy and belief in yourself and who you are. If you have not done anything in your life then of course your inner belief and magnetism is going to be week. The thing that I love about this is that weak men will always fail. Only those strong enough to take action and better themselves will rise to the top just like in nature. Above I left a link to an audio/video version of personal magnetism.

YOU ARE THE PRIZE -Being the prize

YOU ARE THE PRIZE -Being the prize I am looking at the belief on the internet that as men yes we are the prize. I agree with this concept of that as men we are the prize and let me show you what I'm talking about in my video here titled: YOU ARE THE PRIZE -Being the prize. 1. YOU ARE THE PRIZE -Being the prize If you are in college then one day you will have a good job and your possessions will rise up. You will one day own a home and have 2 weeks vacation per year. What does she have? Old age to look forward too, younger women pushing up on her every year looking hotter and better. mac make up and loneliness. She wants you. She wants you while she is still young enough to ensnare you. 2. YOU ARE THE PRIZE -Being the prize Even if your not in college you are still biologically a protector and provider. Don't think women want to or are even programmed to do this by themselves. So again you still have value as a prize. 3. YOU ARE THE PRIZE -Being the prize There are so many reasons that I could talk about as being the prize but don't truly have time or energy to talk about. One last reason is that women do want a man to take care of them.


From Dating Site New Starter Girl

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Dam they got me twice with some gay shit

Dam they got me twice with some gay shit

How to seduce hot women part 5- 4 secrets to seducing hot women

How to seduce hot women part 5- 4 secrets to seducing hot women How to seduce hot women 4 secrets for seducing hot women This is my 5th part in my 5 part video series on how to seduce hot women This is video 5 on How to seduce hot women For the full video visit my website at: to seduce hot women Or watch my playlist at: Related Keywords how to seduce a hot women how to attract a hot women how to attract hot women easy how to attract hot women online how to attract hot women how to attract hot women with ease 4 secrets for seducing hot women

How to seduce hot women part 4 - 4 secrets to seducing hot women

How to seduce hot women part 4 - 4 secrets to seducing hot women How to seduce hot women 4 secrets for seducing hot women This is video 4 of my 5 part video series on how to seduce hot women This is video 4 on How to seduce hot women For the full video visit my website at: to seduce hot women Or watch my playlist at: Related Keywords how to seduce a hot women how to attract a hot women how to attract hot women easy how to attract hot women online how to attract hot women how to attract hot women with ease 4 secrets for seducing hot women

How to seduce hot women part 3 4 secrets to seducing hot women

How to seduce hot women part 3 4 secrets to seducing hot women How to seduce hot women 4 secrets for seducing hot women This is my 5 part video series on how to seduce hot women This is video 3 on How to seduce hot women For the full video visit my website at: to seduce hot women Or watch my playlist at: Related Keywords how to seduce a hot women how to attract a hot women how to attract hot women easy how to attract hot women online how to attract hot women how to attract hot women with ease 4 secrets for seducing hot women

How to seduce hot women part 2 -4 secrets to seducing hot women

How to seduce hot women part 2 -4 secrets to seducing hot women How to seduce hot women 4 secrets for seducing hot women This is video 2 of my 5 part video series on how to seduce hot women This is video 2 on How to seduce hot women For the full video visit my website at: to seduce hot women Or watch my playlist at: Related Keywords how to seduce hot women how to attract a hot women how to attract hot women easy how to attract hot women online how to attract hot women how to attract hot women with ease 4 secrets for seducing hot women

How to seduce hot women part 1- 4 secrets to seducing hot women

How to seduce hot women part 1- 4 secrets to seducing hot women How to seduce hot women- Playlist: 4 secrets for seducing hot women This is my 5 part video series on how to seduce hot women This is video on How to seduce hot women For the full video visit my website at: to seduce hot women Or watch my playlist at: Related Keywords how to seduce a hot women how to attract a hot women how to attract hot women easy how to attract hot women online how to attract hot women yahoo how to attract hot women how to attract hot women with ease

Accessing a womans mind

Monday, November 18, 2013

Thur's podcast show: Isdro- Need Advice On Nightclubs

George Zimmerman was Arrested today!

George Zimmerman was Arrested today! George Zimmerman was charged Monday with assault after deputies were called to the home where he lived with his girlfriend, who claimed he pointed a shotgun at her during an argument, authorities said. Zimmerman pushed the woman out of the house and barricaded the door with furniture, Chief Deputy Dennis Lemma said at a news conference hours after the arrest. The girlfriend, Samantha Scheibe, provided deputies with a key to the home and they were able to push the door that had been barricaded. Lemma says Zimmerman was compliant when deputies came to the house. "The easiest way to describe it is rather passive. He's had the opportunity to encounter this before," he said. Zimmerman was charged with aggravated assault with a weapon, battery and criminal mischief.

Game recognized as shown by ex pua

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Here is how I do my power online dating profiles

Here is how I do my power online dating profiles

Erricson what you are doing wrong

Erricson what you are doing wrong

Build it and they will come

Build it and they will come Another look at my plenty of fish account. Plenty of fish is a online dating site that is free and one that I highly recommend. When you build a power profile on POF or plenty of fish you will attract women into your life. The key is to build a man's profile on pof or plenty of fish instead of doing what I call a dude thing. Dudes throw up cheap profiles and they get cheap results on plenty of fish.

Build it and they will come

Build it and they will come

Sunday, November 10, 2013

tyrone magnus and sara show with player supreme and jovina x

Good show today and now some questions

Good show today and now some questions

Good show today and now some questions

Good show today and now some questions

WEBINAR will be under my Succeedwithsupreme account

WEBINAR will be under my Succeedwithsupreme account Watch show live on that channel, or my facebook or on my forum

Couple of comments on todays upcoming webinar

2 hours till blast off with Tyrone and Sarah

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

How Ask Out Girls- when they are with their friends

How Ask Out Girls- when they are with their friends how ask out girls- how ask out girls A lot of guys struggle when it comes to asking girls out on a date. This video is about how to ask out a girl when she is with her friend. How ask out girls with their friends is a problem that many men struggle with. My advice is to NOT ask a girl out when she is with her friends! You are probably wonder why I said to not learn how ask out girls when they are with their friends. To learn why I believe that you should not ask a girl out when she is with her friends then watch this video. To learn more visit my blog at

Oh, 1 more thing about this sunday

This Sunday I Need 8 People For Conference Call

Friday, November 1, 2013

Dealing with Flakes

Dealing with Flakes Dealing with flakes. The truth of flakes in the dating game where women set up a date and then flake on you is because most of them have no intention of having sex with you. I say most of them to be conservative. In truth most if not all should be applied to the rule of dealing with flakes in my opinion. I watched elliotchangs video and he did some good things there and some bad things. He started on a feminine note in my opinion. He learned from a pua teacher who has feminine mannerisms an he is thinking this is the thing to do. I would suggest that masculine traits can help reduce his number of flakes or his flake ratio.

Anxiety is about giving? I've never heard of that fellas.

Anxiety is about giving? I've never heard of that fellas.

This guy is dangerous

This guy is dangerous

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Another example of eye contact or IOI signs of interest

Another example of eye contact or IOI signs of interest LEARN MORE Here is another example of eye contact. Women do give eye contact to men they find attractive. If they do not give you eye contact it is because obviously and logically they do not find you attractive. The key is to give them something to choose.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Michael Duns recent stupidity

Michael Duns recent stupidity Excuse my comment on Jordan going to war. I was fishing for something to say. When is this racial ignorance going to end?