Sunday, September 16, 2012

Player supreme: when you have negative friends

Player supreme: when you have negative friends

Player Supreme: part 2 on depression looking at families

Player Supreme: Response to the depression in males on the planet


Your Swag Sucks Outline

Your Swag Sucks

Player Supreme: You can stand like a man and get kicked or lay down like a dog and get kicked

Friday, September 14, 2012

Player Supreme: Conversation and getting into her head part 3

Player Supreme: Conversation and getting into her head part 3 How To Attract Women-

Player Supreme: Conversation and getting into her head part 2

Player Supreme: Conversation and getting into her head part 2 How To Attract Women-

Player Supreme: Conversation and getting into her head part 1

Player Supreme: Conversation and getting into her head part 1 How To Attract Women-

Shhhhh....I see freaks

Shhhhh....I see freaks How To Attract Women-

Player Supreme: Quick note on future videos of my posts and written materials

Player Supreme: why do married women choose

Player Supreme: why do married women choose

Player Supreme: This channel is about self improvement.

Player Supreme : Old post called 0 Plus 0 Equals 0

Player Supreme : Old post called 0 Plus 0 Equals 0 How To Attract Women-

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Player Supreme: how did I lose over 40lbs and my training program

Player Supreme: where to buy cheap clothes part 2

Player Supreme: where to buy cheap clothes to look good

Player Supreme: I spent 16 bucks on this outfit and I caught the eye of 2 females

PLayer Supreme from September 13, 2012 4:02 PM

PLayer Supreme from September 13, 2012 4:02 PM

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Branded: Movie Review of "Branded"

Branded: Movie Review of "Branded" Branded - movie reveiw I just saw the movie Branded and I do recommend all of you guys seeing this movie. Everything that I've talked about is in the movie Branded. Remember me talking about how they changed what is considered sexy? You will find that in the movie Branded. Remember how I talked about how they got black folks to wear their clothes backwards you will learn about the ideology of controlling public opinion through marketing in the movie Branded.

The Player Supreme show with "peanut" September 8, 2012 12:49 PM

The Player Supreme show with "peanunt" September 8, 2012 12:23 PM

Nightclub dancing | Using the step touch in nightclub dancing

Nightclub dancing | Using the step touch in nightclub dancing Nightclub dancing- Okay I am going to show you guys your next lesson on nightclub dancing. You learned how to use the step touch with my nightclub dancing program so now lets learn what to do with it. Most nightclub dancing programs only teach you some moves to use in the nightclub dancing genre. My goal is to teach you what to do with those moves in dancing with a woman. That is where ALL nightclub dancing programs fail. They do not teach you how to dance with a woman in a nighclub. Nor, do they teach you how to turn her on while dancing in a nightclub. So let's take your nightclub dancing to the next level.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

[22M] broke up with [20F] and facing a rollercoaster of emotions.

[22M] broke up with [20F] and facing a rollercoaster of emotions. Hey all, I broke up with my gf of 1.5 years a few nights ago. As of today, we ceased all communication, mostly as per her request. I have a strong desire to communicate with her and to creep her facebook page. We talked for an hour or so through skype text yesterday, and it made me feel much better. The relationship got messed up after she cheated on me. I forgave her, took her back. Things went back to normal for a little bit, and then I started feeling unhappy with the relationship and burdened. I'm happy that I broke it off. It was objectively a good idea for my well-being. However, I sincerely miss her company and her friendship. For some reason I believed that we could remain friends after the break up. She does not want to talk to me ever again. She blames me for leading her on and making her believe that I wouldn't leave her. This hurts, because it's like a very close friend of mine had just died or disappeared. She has lots of emotional baggage from childhood. I know for a fact that the break up is taking a much greater toll on her than it is on me. She does not take disappointments or set backs well. I go from feeling happy with my decision and blaming her for the demise of the relationship, to feeling like shit for hurting her, since she is vulnerable/ has emotional issues. My friends are being mildly supportive, but i have to actively go to them for support.

What does it mean if she contacts me after 2.5 months of no contact? Genuine or just being nice?

Me: 29/m Her: 26/f, no communications after First date and met on OkCupid. What happened / going on?

Sunday, August 5, 2012

FREE Video on self improvement

FREE Video on self improvement

In Response to : BUSTED-Video

In Response to : BUSTED-Video Oh I forgot to mention taking away the trolls voting also fucked them up in the head. This is how you handle fucks like that fellas. Make a joke out of them. Get others to laugh at them as maybe a bully did to some of you long ago.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Are You Afraid To Approach? | Conquering Approach Anxiety

Are You Afraid To Approach? | Conquering Approach Anxiety Conquering Approach Anxiety! Many guys will feel approach anxiety everytime they see a pretty girl and they suddenly freeze. Their heart rate goes up and thier breathing quickens. Approach anxiety hits many young and older males on the planet everyday. In todays lecture I will go over what causes this fear to become full blown approach anxiety that cripples grown men into inaction at approaching a pretty woman or girl. In a future lecture or webinar I will share with you secrets on how to over come your own approach anxiety forever. A simple shift in the way you see it will stop it cold.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Self Confidence Exercises | 4 Days Of Confidence Course

Self Confidence Exercises | 4 Days Of Confidence Course Self Confidence Exercises | Confidence Course- Does This Sound Like You? If you are becoming frustrated not finding meaning in your life, constantly suffering from unhappiness, low self-esteem and depression, could this be the perfect solution? Your self-esteem and confidence might have been damaged or disappeared, and now you're stuck - going through the motions every day but with no clear direction and no hope for a better tomorrow. For these self confidence exercises, you will need a special journal. The first exercise is at the end of each day write down any event in which you receive positive feedback. Another exercise is to challenge yourself to take a risk to confront a situation you've been avoiding. Self Confidence Exercises | 4 Days Of Confidence Course

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Nightclub pickup

Nightclub pickup Nightclub Pickup- Site is a little slow loading.

Friday, June 15, 2012

How to attract women -no job no money what can I do.

How to attract women -no job no money what can I do. how to attract women- Got a lot of questions that I missed last week. One fella has no job no money and is wondering what can he do? Well women want a man with a job and certainly do not want to date dead beats or losers. Yes yes nerds I know you will see them date losers sometimes or on occasions. That is not a norm. Neither are you. So get your act together if you are going to learn to attract a woman into your life.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

How to attract women | One student of how to attract women now has 4 women

How to attract women | One student of how to attract women now has 4 women how to attract women- One student of how to attract women went from being a virgin to now having more women than he can date. That is success! I am very proud of him for learning how to attract women into his life and he is also more successful in other areas of his life. For more information :

How To Dress For Men | Jovina Looks at how to dress for men

How To Dress For Men | Jovina Looks at how to dress for men how to dress for men- Jovina and I looked at Macy's in this video series on how to dress for men. We started with Macy's shoes and went to the shirts, pants coats, accessories that men would want to learn about in order to dress to attract women. Learning how to dress will help level the playing field in the dating game. Jovina owns where she teaches the secrets of how to dress for men in the dating world.