How to seduce women - Master Seduction On Seducing Women The Master Seductionist By Player Supreme How To Combine The Secrets Of Great Salesmen To The Dating Game! Salesmanship and Seduction It can be said that seduction is really about salesmanship. As a salesman your goal is to lead a female into believing that you are "the one" or the "hot product" that she cannot live without! You are the salesman who is selling your greatest product "you" and she is the potential customer. I want you to think about the average salesperson. When your out shopping you can see them coming from a mile away right. If you have ever bought a car or been on a car log remember how you cringed whenever the sales people started walking your way? Think about all of the bad salespeople you have come into contact with at clothing stores, phone center stores, or in the parking lot of a Walmart (discount) store where they are trying to sell you to sign this or that petition or buy this or that bootleg video. Remember how you would out smart them. You would see them coming and boom up went your defenses right? Some of them were just to dam aggressive, pushing too hard, trying to get you to buy this or that, remember that? Most people out there do not know how to sell. If someone was drowning and they had a life vest for sale they still would not be able to sell it. Even the good sales people are actually not all that good when you really study them in the area of "selling themselves." Gil Gerard author of "The Greatest Salesman In The World" a book I read over 20 years ago in college said his first priority is to sell himself. He sold over a million dollars worth of car's each and every year!
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