Wednesday, November 27, 2013

HOW TO ATTRACT WOMEN - 7 tips on how to attract women easily

HOW TO ATTRACT WOMEN - 7 tips on how to attract women easily Learn how to attract women at: I'm going to share 7 tips in this video in the area of attracting women: The dream of a lot of guys is to become a ladies man, or what we call in the African Amercan community as a player. When you really think about it who wouldn't want to be known as the guy who could get any woman or babe that he wanted? The only problem to this dream is that there weren't any guidelines on how to become a player until I wrote my 7 Steps To Becoming A Player. Well I want to add to that body of information with 7 steps that you must master in order to become good with the ladies: 1 First thing of importance in the area of how to attract women Become confident. Confidence is the key to anything (free life lesson there). Confidence will come from knowing what you have to do to get a girl, and knowing that you can do it. It's sort of a natural result of learning how to get girls, but its still number 1 on the list for learning how to become a player. 2. Okay now for your second must master criteria on how to attract women You want to get real good at stepping up to women out there. Yes I'm talking about approaching women. 3. My 3rd point that I want to address to your attention on how to attract women You want to learn the art of conversation. This skill will be your greatest asset when dealing with women. Listen: When you control the mind you control the flow of you know what. The way into a woman's mind is mainly through the use of words. Ever notice how women love to talk? (how to attract women) Ever notice how they are always communicating every where they go? Conversation to women is like crack to a crack addict. Shy guys fail here like the black plague. How to attract women A player sells 3 things in the area of attracting women 1. Good dick 2. Good conversation 3. Dreams 4. My fourth point that I want to drop on you on how to attract women You need to learn how to control the conversation. What I'm talking about here is that you must learn to direct a conversation towards a desired action. That action ultimately must lead to your bedroom. But, everything in steps. You get the digits, then first date, then your bedroom. So you must make sure that during the course of the conversation, you want to give her an excuse to go on a date, then back to your place, okay. 5. Number 5: how to attract women You must learn to understand what it takes in order to move from conversation to kissing. 6. Now this is very important and is a deal sealer or killer You have to know how to turn a woman on. 7. My final point is on how to attract women I want you to learn how to give woman pleasureable experiences, I don't care if its sexual experience or not. Remember good conversation is a pleasureable experience to women. Remember you also are selling good dick that means you must know how to make a woman cum! As I teach in my course title "How to make a woman cum!" Think about it this way. Most geeks out there do NOT know how to give a woman sexual pleasure. Then along comes you who knows how to not only give her intense physical pleasure but also mental pleasure as I teach in my how to mind fuck women book and BOOM! She becomes addicted to YOU! If you want to learn more on how to attract women or become a player then go to my youtube channel at: ThePlayerSupremeshow Who better to teach you how to get women than a real life player of women from the real world! peace Related keywords: how to attract women how to attract women online how to attract women in high school how to attract women in college how to attract women without trying how to attract women on how to attract women for shy guys how to attract women at a bar how to attract women at work how to attract women conversation how to attract women confidence how to attract women easy how to attract women effortlessly how to attract women eye contact how to attract women fast

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