Monday, July 23, 2012

Are You Afraid To Approach? | Conquering Approach Anxiety

Are You Afraid To Approach? | Conquering Approach Anxiety Conquering Approach Anxiety! Many guys will feel approach anxiety everytime they see a pretty girl and they suddenly freeze. Their heart rate goes up and thier breathing quickens. Approach anxiety hits many young and older males on the planet everyday. In todays lecture I will go over what causes this fear to become full blown approach anxiety that cripples grown men into inaction at approaching a pretty woman or girl. In a future lecture or webinar I will share with you secrets on how to over come your own approach anxiety forever. A simple shift in the way you see it will stop it cold.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Self Confidence Exercises | 4 Days Of Confidence Course

Self Confidence Exercises | 4 Days Of Confidence Course Self Confidence Exercises | Confidence Course- Does This Sound Like You? If you are becoming frustrated not finding meaning in your life, constantly suffering from unhappiness, low self-esteem and depression, could this be the perfect solution? Your self-esteem and confidence might have been damaged or disappeared, and now you're stuck - going through the motions every day but with no clear direction and no hope for a better tomorrow. For these self confidence exercises, you will need a special journal. The first exercise is at the end of each day write down any event in which you receive positive feedback. Another exercise is to challenge yourself to take a risk to confront a situation you've been avoiding. Self Confidence Exercises | 4 Days Of Confidence Course

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Nightclub pickup

Nightclub pickup Nightclub Pickup- Site is a little slow loading.